Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Life of the Secret Author

I'm a writer. I'm not published or anything, and maybe not even good. But I'm a writer. I love to create and make poems and little tunes. I love to paint and colour, and sketch. Although not very good. However, it doesn't mean I'm afraid of harsh critisism. Anyone who wants to diss my writing, you better back it up, and tell me what's wrong with it so I can fix it.

Like Twilight. I don't hate it because she's successful, and I don't hate it just because it's a teenage love story. It's becase vampires are a kind of demon, made from the sin of man. The home soil that Count Dracula needed, makes me think it's because the Count cannot leave the sin of the seemingly normal dirt. Vampires being beautiful? Sure, they can be. Vanity, which is a sin. Gluttony and Greed, because they gain power from blood. They burn in the sunlight, not sparkle. They burn because what right to they have to see the world in joyful light? They do not deserve warmth and are therefore cold. They cannot love, because love is something God gives us all.

More on Twilight, I'm glad they got a new director. It wasn't as airheaded. The effects are still at a low, but I'm sure that'll change when Bella has her baby... and better damn well be bloody. Vampires are not all sweet and kind and sparkley. Well, none should be. And the power? They gain that by killing. It's either a scientific defect, or my theory, demons of the Earth. I like the stories where they rule the Earth, or are abusive. I don't mind if they fall in love, or if they need mates or whatever! I just know they aren't normal, and to make Twilight vampires seen as vegetarians (and I know they have bottles of donated blood. That, still, is unacceptable) is like saying humans don't need to eat.

On to writing, it is very well written. Just like I try to do, it has nice vocabulary, and keeps you wanting more. Afterward it may be a good read or a 'oh no, my poor head', but either way, it's a best teen seller. Unfortuately, there will be less teenagers fearing vampires, and therefore more murders in the future [ : ) ]. Hey, it could be the next twenty-twelve. Although I hope it's a zombie attack.

I anxiously await the day I publish my work. because one day, I WILL! No matter what. The next one I finish, I will look for publishers and agents through my sister (who is suprisingly well informed). I love you, Jenna!

That's All 4 now!!::
--Pattycakez ♥♫

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